How To Get Rid Of Cricket Noise At Night: 16 Best Ways

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It can be annoying to hear crickets at night; their loud chirps and calls can keep us awake until morning.

Cricket noises can be very annoying at night and keep us from falling asleep. The constant chirps and calls can make it hard to relax and get a good night’s sleep. Having noise around you can also be annoying while trying to work or study at night.

What is keeping us up at night? We need to find out right away so we can stop it!

If you can’t stop the sound of crickets at night, fix broken or cracked windows and doors or replace worn weather stripping outside your house.

You can also eliminate the plants and junk on the way to your bedroom. For extra noise reduction, close all the doors and windows and run a fan or air conditioner to make white noise if you can’t get rid of the crickets. Let’s talk about some more topics below.

In this article, we’ll discuss How To Get Rid Of Cricket Noise At Night, some common reasons why crickets make noise at night, and some easy ways to reduce or eliminate the noise.

16 Ways to get rid of cricket noise at night
16 Ways to get rid of cricket noise at night

Common Causes of Cricket Noise

The most common reason for cricket noise is crickets going around nearby!

Crickets might live there if a garden or lawn is near your bedroom window. At night, their mating calls might be too loud to sleep through.

Crickets making noise

One easy way to stop this is to find food sources inside our homes, like behind cabinets or under furniture. This will bring them closer to our windows.

To figure out what is causing the cricket party every night, look closely in your room or any nearby areas for cricket signs, like their eggs lying where they might lay their following eggs.

This should help you figure out what is living nearby and making all this noise while you sleep.

How To Get Rid Of Cricket Noise At Night- (12 Options)

5 Basic DIY Methods

#1 Remove Vegetation and Debris

How to get rid of cricket noise at night by Vegetation and debris cleaning
How to get rid of cricket noise at night by Vegetation and debris cleaning

Cockroaches can find food and a place to live in trash and plants. Getting rid of these possible food sources for crickets can help lower their nighttime noise.

Thin areas of plants near windows should be removed because they provide crickets with a place to hide and can attract more to the site.

Leaves, twigs, and other junk, and you should move rocks away from the windows. Because of this, there are no longer any places for crickets to hide at night.

Additionally, trimming the grass and watering it regularly can prevent it from appealing to pests, even crickets.

You must monitor your yard for any possible cricket activity to get the most out of your prevention methods.

To cut down on or eliminate cricket noise, get rid of dead leaves or other plants that might make your bedroom window or an area near it a good place for crickets to live. Getting rid of this shelter-like area will make them much less likely to be near your bedroom window.

#2 Natural Predators

Living things eat crickets to keep the population in check. These are called natural predators. Predators like frogs, cats, birds, spiders, and more are in this group.

Putting these creatures near your bedroom window will naturally keep crickets away and lower the number of them in the area, reducing the noise they make at night.

Just research and pick a pet that will benefit your lifestyle and home.

Birds eating crickets

Putting up webs or light traps near bedroom windows can attract spiders, and bird feeders with fruit or plants that crickets like will attract crickets.

Some toads, like the American Toad, and some snakes, like garter snakes, can be used. If you put these natural predators near your bedroom window, the crickets will stop making noise at night without needing chemical treatments.

You could also bring in natural predators like bats, but keep in mind that this will have effects that last for a long time.

#3 Turn Off Outdoor Lights

To eliminate cricket noise at night, you can turn off outdoor lights.

Many insects, like crickets, are drawn to lights, which they use to find their way.

When crickets come into contact with outdoor light, they want to sing to find a mate. This makes more noise and chirping at night.

With the lights to help them find their way, it will be easier for the crickets to find potential mates. They may leave or come back during the day.

Motion-activated floodlights turn on only when they sense movement, so you won’t have to worry about leaving your house in the dark.

You also have lighting systems that are controlled by a computer. Then, you can set them so they only turn on when they sense motion during certain hours of darkness. This way, your house will be lit up when you need it, not when the crickets are sounding off.

For more variety, you could switch between different types of lighting or use decorative lighting in your backyard to break up the darkness and keep crickets away.

#4 Use Essential Oils

There are several ways that essential oils can help get rid of cricket noise.

It is known that some essential oils can naturally keep crickets and other bugs away.

Oils like citronella, eucalyptus, peppermint, and lemongrass can be used to make a wall around the area where crickets are.

Putting essential oils on crickets to get rid of them

The smell of these oils will keep crickets from coming to the area, cutting down on their noise when they chirp.

To get rid of crickets with essential oils, you must put up a scent barrier around the area where they are.

To do this, put a few drops of the essential oil you want to use into a spray bottle with water. Then, spray this mixture around the outside of the area.

We could also put small dishes with water and essential oil near places where crickets are active. The smell of these oils will keep the crickets away from your home.

#5 Make a vinegar spray.

Crickets can’t survive vinegar. This isn’t the kindest thing you can do to get rid of pests, but the acetic acid in vinegar quickly kills crickets by drying them out.

Using a spray bottle, add some distilled vinegar. Spray the area around your house or any specific spots you’ve found to keep the crickets from coming back.

Once a day, until the cricket problem is gone, spray your vinegar solution in problem areas like the garage or outside the house.

How to Get Rid of Cricket Noise at Night: 13 Simple Tips

Create White Noise (1 Free and 1 Premium)

#6 Turn on a Fan or Air Conditioner

You can block out the sound of crickets by making noise. This will make them less likely to stay in your yard.

Running a fan or air conditioner at night can help make a steady low hum that blocks the crickets.

You can also change the settings on your fan or air conditioner to make them louder when needed, blocking out even more noise.

Also, if you have an outdoor sound system, you can use it to make white noise or other relaxing sounds to eliminate the cricket noise.

Should you make these sounds at night, it will be harder for crickets to find their mates, and they might move on to another area.

#7 Use a White Noise Machine

White noise machines are unique gadgets that make a steady sound that blocks out other sounds. They are helpful for many things, like blocking out crickets and other sounds from nature.

At night, white noise machines can help block out cricket noise, which can help you sleep better.

Even though these devices aren’t known to be harmful to health, it’s essential to be careful when using them because they can be annoying if they’re too loud or left on for no reason.

To get rid of cricket noise, use a white noise machine. So that your natural environment is smooth, you should make sure that the sound is correct, that the device is well taken care of, and that it is turned off when not in use.

Also, removing plants and things that crickets might live in, like fallen leaves, will help reduce their numbers and the need for white noise machines to block out cricket noise.

Soundproofing Your Room (4 Methods)

#8 Close Your Windows and Doors

To keep your home healthy, open windows and doors so fresh air can flow.

On the other hand, open windows and doors can make blocking out cricket noise at night harder since the birds’ loud chirping can get louder inside.

A simple fix is to lock all doors and windows when the sun goes down.

You can also put weatherstripping or window seals around all openings to keep outside noise out. This will reduce or eliminate cricket noise and make the house more energy efficient by stopping air leaks.

Cockroaches are also very good at jumping. If there is an open window, they will get in quickly!

#9 Seal Cracks and Holes

Filling in holes and cracks is an excellent way to stop crickets from making noise at night. Crickets can get into a house through even the most minor gaps, so checking for and sealing off all possible entry points is essential.

This includes cracks and holes in the building’s walls, foundation, doors, and windows.

Using caulk or weatherstripping to seal these holes can help keep cricket noise out of your home.

Putting mesh screens on doors and windows can also help keep crickets out while letting in the fresh air.

If you properly and effectively seal all possible entry points, cricket noise at night will go away, and your home will be quiet.

Finally, soundproofing materials like acoustic foam, insulation batting, rubberized strips, and so on can be used if nothing else works.

Place them strategically over any doors that lead directly into your room to block noise and keep people who don’t want to be there from getting in!

#10 Keep your home below 82°F (27°C).

When it’s cold, crickets stop singing. There are annoying crickets that might have gotten into your home if you live in a warm area. Keep the temperature inside below 82 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius).

Turn on your air conditioner at night to get rid of those crickets.

Keeping the temperature inside your house stable is hard, so this solution will only work for cricket problems inside.

#11 Try soundproof curtains.

Curtains that block out noise can help if earplugs don’t work. There’s more silence in your wardrobe than in your bedroom.

That’s because the clothes in your closet block out noise. In the same way, soundproof curtains cut down on the time a sound echoes in a room.

For a peaceful sleep, replace your regular window curtains with ones blocking noise.

Strong curtain rods are needed for heavy, thick curtains that block out noise, so make sure you have them before you switch.

4 Advance Methods

#12 Try a dehumidifier.

Damp places are appealing to crickets.

If you put a dehumidifier in a wet place, like the garage or basement, crickets are less likely to enter your home.

With moisture, crickets can find a better place to live that isn’t your home.

You can also get rid of mould in your home with a dehumidifier.

#13 Use Cricket Traps

Putting up cricket traps can help stop the noise of crickets at night.

These traps use bait to get crickets to enter. The crickets then get stuck in the trap. This can be done with cricket traps you can buy or make yourself out of a container with a lid.

Other small animals, like lizards and frogs, can get caught in cricket traps and be killed. This is not the intended species to be seen.

If you want to set traps in the wild, you must ensure they won’t hurt any other animals.

To get the best results from traps, consider things like light and temperature in the area and ensure enough bait inside the trap so crickets will fall in but have difficulty getting out.

#14 Use Insecticides

Insecticides, like sprays and dust with pyrethrin, are well known for getting rid of cricket infestations.

When these insecticides are sprayed or dusted on the affected area, they mess up the insects’ normal life cycle. This stops them from reproducing, which lowers their population.

This might be an excellent way to stop the sound of crickets at night.

To protect people and other living things in the environment, it is essential to use insecticides intelligently.

Only use products approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure that they don’t hurt non-target pests or beneficial insects in the environment.

Also, these products should be tested on a small area of your home or yard before they are used on the whole area. This will help you determine if this method will work for you and if it could hurt people or the environment.

After using insecticides, properly throw away the containers to keep your family and the environment safe.

#15 Hire Pest Control

Pest control companies are experts at removing bugs, like crickets, from homes.

When a professional comes to your property and looks at the problem, they can tell you what kind of insect control is best for your area and then suggest a solution.

The professional will most likely use insecticides, traps, or baits to eliminate all the crickets in your home.

Pest control companies not only get rid of crickets that are already present but may also suggest cryo-pesticide applications to help prevent them from returning.

Pest control businesses should have a valid license, and people who want to hire one should always read reviews first.

Before stopping cricket noise at night, it is also essential to find out if there are any local rules about using certain pesticides or baits.

We can quickly reduce the number of people here by putting up simple barriers, like talcum power lines around the edges of these fields to keep people out, etc.

1 Self-Help Method

#16 Use Earplug

Earplugs are small, one-time-use items made of foam or wax put into the ear canal to block noise.

Earplugs are an easy and effective way to block out cricket noise at night. They can also block out background noise and lower the volume of conversations and crickets.

It is essential to put on earplugs correctly and ensure they fit snugly to get the best results. 

Also, it’s essential to use good earplugs that block out loud noises without sacrificing safety or comfort.

Earplugs might not wholly block out cricket noise, but they can significantly reduce it and help you sleep better.

7 FAQs To Get Rid Of Cricket Noise At Night

Q 1: How do you eliminate cricket you can’t find?

If you can’t find the cricket, you should clean up the plants and other junk to eliminate it. Set up traps around the area you think they might be in and use food as bait to catch them. Bug sprays can also be used to eliminate any crickets you find. 

Q 2: How do you get crickets to shut up?

If you want crickets to stop talking, keep food and trash out of the house and sealed up. Putting out traps or bug spray is another way to eliminate crickets in your home. Lastly, you can block out cricket noise by installing soundproofing materials. 

Q 3: How do I eliminate noisy crickets in my house?

To eliminate noisy crickets in your home, start by sealing up any holes or cracks they could use to get in, like those in the walls or around windows and doors. Then, insecticides or traps can be used to eliminate the crickets. Lastly, soundproofing materials like curtains or foam insulation may help block out any cricket noise that is still there. 

Q 4: Why are crickets so loud at night?

The male crickets make chirping sounds to attract females. They are most active at night. When crickets are in a small space, like your home, the noise gets louder because the crickets are amplified. 

Q 5: What smells do crickets not like?

Citrus, peppermint, and eucalyptus are strong smells that crickets dislike. Garlic, onions, tobacco, and beer also harm them. 

Q 6: Do crickets like light or dark?

Crickets like it dark, but they are drawn to light at night. As soon as it gets dark, they come out to play. During the day, they hide in cracks or under furniture. 

Q 7: What attracts crickets in the house?

Crickets like places that are damp, dark, and warm. They also come to garbage and pet food, both food sources. You can also get crickets to come near lights at night since they are drawn to bugs that are drawn to light. 

Final Word

It’s challenging but possible when these noisy things take over our bedrooms every night, where we try to relax.

Several things could cause this vast problem, but it’s essential to figure out what they are so you know exactly what needs to be done.

There are several ways to reduce cricket noise at night. Some of these are building physical barriers outside all the way through, keeping landscaped gardens clean and short, bringing in natural predators, and locking all windows, even at night when it feels airy. Soundproofing products completely block out noise.

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Hey, I am Umesh Kumar a Blogger and believer in making life peaceful, a couple of years back I started soundproofing my House, Bedroom, Office, and Car to reduce unwanted noise, and the same experience I am sharing on Red More

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